The Spectre of Math

November 27, 2012

Frobenius method and Bessel functions

Filed under: Hacking,LaTeX,Mathematics,Teaching — jlebl @ 6:57 pm

I had occasion to talk about Bessel functions and mention the Frobenius method in my PDE class and I realized that I do not have any mention of this in the book. This was the section I did not quite get to when teaching at UCSD, so it never got written. Well, worry no more. I’ve written up a draft version of the section. This will appear in the next version of the book whenever I make it, though if you do have comments, do let me know. It’s good to catch typos or make changes now.

This brings the number of pages to 307 together with new delta function section and the number of exercises to 521. Yay!

This also made me realize that Genius did not have Bessel functions implemented. They were actually easy to implement as MPFR has them done. At least for integer orders and real values anyway. Then as my current working directory of genius was such a mess with trying to include LAPACK, I decided to remove LAPACK for now from the genius git. I think what I will do is link to the fortran version at some later point. It seems like the fortran LAPACK is available almost everywhere, so it should not be a bad new dependency. Much easier than trying to make the beast compile cleanly inside genius. Anyway, so Bessel functions will be in Genius, which I think I ought to make a release of soon as there are a bunch of other small changes to set upon the world.

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